In real time system, the correct computations are not depended on the logics but also on the time at which result is produced. Real-time systems are of two types i.e. soft and hard real-time systems. Some examples of the real-time systems are the control system for cars, aircraft, computer games and multimedia applications etc. The embedded system is that which is controlled by instructions stored on a single chip. The microprocessor in these devices executes the instructions stored on the chip. These embedded product designing companies helps in the manufacturing of global positioning tools, automated teller machine, mobile phones, video cameras and telecom application etc. Both the real-time system and embedded systems play an important role in today’s technology. These systems operate in an environment in which the processing power and computer memory are limited and provide services within strict time deadlines.
Nowadays the real-time embedded systems are everywhere including home, offices, cars, hospitals, plans, consumer electronics etc. Developing a real-time and embedded system is really a challenge for the embedded product design services. The developing process involves many activities like requirement specification, timing analysis, architecture design, debugging and testing of the final product. Trained developers, Latest tools and equipment and support services are required for the designing of embedded systems.
Embedded product design companies are leading electronic product design, development and service enterprises. All the engineers are experienced in embedded technology and real- time software process control. These companies develop system software tools including micro-controller, compiler, and other supporting tools.
Companies offer a wide range of product engineering services that can convert an idea into a producible product. The experience engineers create these high-quality products from a prototype. The services include application software development, mechanical design, prototyping, validation, regulatory certification and board and firmware design etc. The hardware design service provides single board, multi-board system design, processor and microcontroller based design, power optimized design and small form factor design etc. Software design services provided by the companies solve all the complex software design problems. The mechanical design services conceptualize the product design and support the entire product lifecycle. This will help in creating a product of high quality with lower cost.
Embedded System Design Patterns
The design patterns for the embedded system are:
- Object Design Pattern: Object design pattern includes half call, manager, resources, message interface design pattern etc. Some of these patterns simplify the system that supports the internetworking of multiple protocols. The patterns which are used to control the entities of the same type are called manager design pattern. The design patterns also keep track resources that which resources are allocated and free.
- State Design Patter: The pattern includes the hierarchical state machine, state machine inheritance, collector, parallel and serial state pattern etc. After introducing the state pattern designs they are compared with the conventional state design. The new state machine is inherited from the existing one. The state pattern handles the parallel operations as well as serial operations in the real-time system.
- Hardware Interface Designs Pattern: The hardware design pattern includes the serial port, high-speed serial port, hardware device, synchronizer design patterns.
- Protocol Design Pattern: These patterns include transmit protocol handler, receiver protocol handler, protocol packet, protocol layer, and protocol stack design pattern.
- Architecture Design Patter: This embedded product design pattern contains the processor architecture pattern in which the processor patterns are described that are found in the embedded and the distributed systems. This design pattern also includes the feature like coordination, task design, and time management design patterns.
- Implementation Design Patterns: The design pattern includes the management of header file in complex real-time projects. And also make the use of standard template library to work with these high-quality embedded design patterns.