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Advanced Product Engineering – Solution For Solving Cyber Security Issues

Here we will demonstrate the advanced product engineering to secure confidential data. We are living in the era of connected devices where everything, starting from home, office, phones, cars, and even animals are being connected. It is believed that by 2020 there will be 200 billion connected devices.  This shows how strong is the influence of IoT or the Internet of Technology.

How is Embedded Product Development helpful in functioning IOT?

Embedded Product development

An intricate network of software runs behind the successful functioning of this and IoT is a result of embedded product development, as a result of which we have devices that have simplified our lives and automated most things.

Dependency on Mobile Increases the Risk of Hacking

With this dependency there have been concerns about security issues; cyber security is one of the serious concerns that we have and this has given rise to numerous problems. Imagine a situation wherein you are traveling to an unknown place and suddenly your phone runs out of battery. I’m sure for most of you, it would be the end of the world. You have lost access to all your contacts, navigation, or anything that would have helped you connect with the world. Such is the dependency of our lives on technology.

Technology has Both Pros and Cons

Whereas on one side this technology has helped us in millions of ways, alternatively it has also increased the vulnerability of this software. We all know that hacking a system or divulging personal information is not a difficult task.  The slightest mistake can result in a heavy loss in terms of data, personal information, money, etc.

With such vulnerability, there is a need for cyber security and measures that can ensure that everything is safe and secure. Eye-popping stats With the growing pace of cyber crime, the expenditure on cyber security is growing multiplefold. It is expected that cyber security expenditure will exceed $1 trillion from 2017-2021.  In 2016, the expenditure on cyber security products was more than $80 billion.

Need to Acknowledge Cyber Crime as a Critical Issue

Cyber crime

According to President Trump, cyber theft is the fastest-growing crime in the US and there are many other issues related to cyber crimes which are becoming a gargantuan problem for nations.

This is an alarming situation and hence, there is a need to work on cyber security so that all the information is protected. Today when most of the work is over the internet, all the information is stored in the form of data, even the slightest of mistake can result in an irreparable loss.

Embedded Product Development is an Enhancement in Reducing Cyber Hacks

Here emerges the need for the development of cyber security devices that are advanced and offer full-proof security. This is only possible with the help of advanced embedded product development. We are already working on some of the most advanced technologies but the point here is that all these developments have become susceptible to security issues.

Thus, technology companies need to be more prompt and develop new ways that become impenetrable. We need state-of-the-art product engineering services that are ahead of time and have been designed in a futuristic way.

Embedded product development and product engineering solutions go together and when they are made to work in conjunction with each other, the results are going to be great.

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About Author

Ted Conner is a Professional Tech Savvy Blogger. Ted working with Bytesplay as a Software Team Lead. He written plenty of subjects, like Embedded Technology, Software Development, Embedded Product Design and more..

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