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Design Pattern for Real-Time and Embedded System

In real time system, the correct computations are not depended on the logics but also on the time at which result is produced.  Real-time systems are of two types i.e. soft and hard real-time systems. Some examples of the real-time systems are the control system for cars, aircraft, computer games and multimedia applications etc. The embedded system is that which is controlled by instructions stored on a single chip. The…

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Operative Embedded Systems Will Confirm Inventive, High-Performing Products

The continuing success of Embedded World is because of the growing effect of embedded systems, mainly in the automotive segment, but moreover in automation. Just as the significance of software is increasing, embedded systems (the mixture of computer software and hardware designed for an exact function in a bigger system) is increasing rapidly. In addition to daily applications like medical equipment, automobiles, vending machines, airplanes, cameras, household appliances, mobile and…

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Major Embedded Technology Trends and Challenges

The embedded technology has made a large number of changes. We can say that with the help of these embedded systems the revolution of technology can be seen in the marketplace. Everything is going on digital and each of us is trying to work according to technology. Io-T design is the embedded design they also involve the programming language. The various embedded product design companies are there which manufacture the…

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Wannacry Ransomware Is An Avoidable Threat

What is WannaCry Ransomware WannaCry Ransomware is a most dangerous cyber threat for both organizations and individuals across the world. This is a virus that locks files on a computer. The malicious software affects the machines running on windows operating system. The wannacry works by encrypting most of the files on the computer of a victim. It is a kind of cyber attack in which the hackers take control of…

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Embedded Systems Manufacturers Pour into Smart Device and Industry Automation

Embedded System is a way of working, organizing or performing one or many tasks according to a fixed set of rules, program or plan. In other words, an arrangement in which all units assemble and work together according to a program or plan. An embedded system is a system that has software embedded into hardware, which makes a system dedicated for applications or a specific part of an application or…

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Reflective Optical Sensor

An optical sensor is an integral part of number of industries. Fibre optics is used in it as the main constituent as the matter of fact is that this sort of cable is minute as hair and don’t require any power to be operated. Two type of reflective fibre optics are famous in this world, first is intrinsic and other is extrinsic. In the first technology optical fibre is used…

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Firmware Architecture In Five Easy Steps

First of all, let’s discuss the term “Firmware” in simple language it is a set of instructions or the collection of data. It provides the information of device communication by making us aware how the computer hardware interacts with one another. Now after the description of firmware let’s talk about the embedded firmware development. The development of firmware is depending upon the operating system. The firmware depends upon the different…

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Outsourcing Software Development Services Is A Smart Way Towards Innovation

Two-dimensional materials, the shape, thickness and size of which are clarified on a size of a couple of nuclear components, indicate awesome security for enhancing gadgets.Not exactly the same as ordinary 3D materials, where the relationship between the molecules continue running in three measurements, molecularly thin layers fortified by van der Waals interactions have opened the ways to a radical new universe of conceivable outcomes for researchers and engineers.  It…

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Design Pattern for Real-Time and Embedded System

In real time system, the correct computations are not depended on the logics but also on the time at which result is produced.  Real-time systems are of two types i.e. soft and hard real-time systems. Some examples of the real-time systems are the control system for cars, aircraft, computer games and multimedia applications etc. The embedded system is that which is controlled by instructions stored on a single chip. The…

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The embedded system is a computer system through a dedicated function in a larger electrical or mechanical system, frequently with real-time computing limitations. It is embedded as part of a whole device often comprising mechanical and hardware parts. Embedded systems control numerous devices in general use today. The word robot is come from Czech term “robot” that means work or forced work. Not one person has ever given an exact…

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