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Design Thinking for IOT in the Product Development Process

Design Thinking is a method of problem-solving that places a strong emphasis on teamwork, empathy, and creativity to provide original solutions. It is essentially a human-centered methodology that prioritizes the end user during the design phase. As opposed to conventional approaches to problem-solving, which take a straight line, Design Thinking is flexible and iterative, enabling continuous progress.

How Design Thinking Enhances Product Releases

design thinking

It’s difficult to predict the success of a new product—some argue it’s impossible.  Even the largest, best-funded, most mature companies have created products that fail to gain market acceptance and profitability.

Companies employing design thinking are allowed to release products more often, gather meaningful customer feedback, and validate a product’s use and vision in a marketplace while sustaining a high level of customer satisfaction, as one release builds on another to add features customers desire most.

Product engineering solutions include Software Product Engineering, Customization, and Integration, Software Testing, Website Testing and Validation, Software Product Upgrade, quality assurance among others.

Implementing design thinking into development can be broken down into 5 steps

implement of design thinking

1. Define

You need to begin the development process by clearly defining the target customer’s underlying needs, and developing a deep understanding of how a prospective solution improves their condition—a key principle of design thinking. Next, you need to define a prospective solution’s functional requirements and the core competencies required to support that solution.

2. Share

This approach allows team members to consider the entire project as they perform assigned tasks throughout the development, reducing the likelihood of misaligned pieces when the project is assembled as a whole.

3. Prioritize

The third step in this process is to meet with the project’s management team to categorize features slated for particular releases. The idea is to balance each release with features from each category, being mindful not to fill a release with features from only one category.

The outcome of this step is a plan to introduce features to the marketplace through frequent releases with incremental customer value – another key design thinking principle.

4. Implement

The fourth step is where product releases are developed. It’s important to remain mindful that design thinking is an iterative process requiring the need for feedback and validation. It is important not only to collect data, but to make it work: make sure that the results of any feedback are added to the backlog to constantly improve your product.

5. The fifth and last step in the process is to review feedback on a particular release, validate the vision, and begin the process all over again with step 1. Try to be objective, don’t see things in black and white, and restructure your vision to improve your product.

Offshore Software Development Services

software development

Offshore software development services include various stages of analysis:

1. Creation of a requirements definition
2. Relating this definition to a software specification
3. Designing the software
4. Writing and Coding
5. Implementing and testing it

This approach limits the risk of developing a product no one wants, which may be an unintended consequence of a longer, more costly development targeting a broader market with extensive features and greater corporate investment.

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About Author

Ted Conner is a Professional Tech Savvy Blogger. Ted working with Bytesplay as a Software Team Lead. He written plenty of subjects, like Embedded Technology, Software Development, Embedded Product Design and more..

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