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Middleware Development

Middleware are those software packets that connect and orient other software applications with the server and the operating system. It is the link between different software applications and combines all of them in a single framework. The middleware functions between the kernel of a computer and user applications. It can thus be very clear that a better middleware program can enhance the overall performance of the system and improve its working efficiency.

Middleware development becomes all the more important when there are a lot of applications and technologies to be integrated in the same system and a single operating system has to control all of them simultaneously. We at Bytesplay have a team of experienced and talented middleware developers who are adept in working on different platforms and have continuously developed the middleware programs and softwares to meet the requirements of the system.

The customization of an application becomes all the more simple and easier if an efficient middleware is used as it helps in creating business applications by the developers without developing separate integration software for each application. It makes the codes simple and allows for faster transfer of data and increases the overall speed of the system.

The middleware softwares also act as communication system and helps in message exchanges among different applications enabling the device to work smoothly and making it less complex for the user. Some of the common messaging frameworks used by our middleware softwares are:

  • Representational State Transfer (REST)
  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • Web Services

The services necessary for connecting various applications together are provided by middleware. These services may be of varied forms from messaging to transaction management and payment through secure line. On a more sophisticated note, middleware is used successfully in API Management Software and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). It also helps in providing better access to controls and impacts the accountability.

Functions of Middleware

  • To hide the applications by keeping their location discrete and out of the view of the possible threats and restricts their access without proper channel.
  • To reduce the complexity of the applications by bringing all of them on a single interface and making them user-friendly.
  • To hide the non-homogeneity of the system by including the hardware components, operating systems and the protocols, all at a single place.
  •  To apply a common set of procedures to perform various similar tasks. This reduces redundancy and prohibits duplicity of the program, facilitating better communication with different applications.

Bytesplay has developed many middleware softwares to integrate various hardwares with software systems to facilitate uninterrupted exchange of information and data between different layers of the system. The middleware development team ensures that our middleware not only run smoothly but also can be managed easily by the user. We provide services for integrating various middleware programs like the TCP/IP Network Stacks and USB Host and Device Stacks.

The middleware developed by our organization determines whether the product will succeed or not. It acts as the intermediate platform between the Low Level Operating System and High Level Application Packages and ensures smooth flow and enhanced functionality without hampering the capabilities of other applications. It acts as a consolidator of the OS and makes the OS capable of handling data and information coming from multi-channels and multiple platforms, hence enabling smooth exchange within the system.

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